"I don't have any equipment"
"I don't have the room to exercise in my apartment"
Those aren't reasons why you aren't taking care of your body, they are excuses.
Anyone, anywhere, anytime, can work on their body for a few minutes a day, even with limited equipment and very little available space.
My fiancee found a jump rope work out online and this is my twist on it. If you don't have a jump rope, I would suggest either jogging in place or doing step ups if you have a single step anywhere near you (surely, you do.)
The core work is pretty intense. If you are a true beginner, start with 30 second rounds, which will be a 10 minute workout. Who doesn't have 10 minutes? Most of us wait twice that long for a meal when we dine out. No excuses. Get up and move! You could safely practice this routine 3-4 times per week (every other day would be great!) Here are some other suggestions if you don't have a jump rope:
- Jumping Jacks
- Alternating front kicks (think about your lower abs bringing the knee up, don't extend the leg all the way out in your kick; keep a soft bend in your knee)
- High knee jog in place (if you really want to get your heart rate up!)
- Lateral shuffle-step side-to-side in a mild squat (think basketball drills)
- Skipping (yep, skipping)
To the Core - 20 Minutes - 1 minute each station
1 minute jump rope (or your sub of intense cardio) - from here on referred to as MOVE!
1 minute plank
Ball Crunches (if you don't have a ball, do regular crunches with legs at 90 degrees)
Left side plank (lower bottom knee if you need to)
Right side plank (ditto) BREATHE!
Reclined bicycles (for more work, keep legs closer to floor; keep back extended, not rounded!)
Twister plank (alternate: knees come toward opposite elbow, keep moving! Do your best)
Reverse ball crunches (belly/hips on ball, crunch up, works the erector muscles) If you don't have a ball, try "lifting locust" - lay on your belly and lift/lower your chest; arms raised slightly by your sides, palms down, fingertips reaching for your toes
Twisting ball crunches (if you don't have a ball, do you regular twisting crunches with 90 degree legs)
Mason's Twist (V-Sit, twisting torso left and right, keep low back long and not rounded. BREATHE.)
Flutter kicks (or supine straight leg raise/hold with hands under tailbone)
If you finished, great job! If you didn't finish but gave it your best effort, way to go! Next time maybe you can make it a little further along in this routine. Good luck, and keep moving (no excuses!)