I don't always do CrossFit, but when I do, I feel so good when it's over. Here's what I did today. We have an empty field behind our house; we run to a local restaurant and back which we figured is about 400 meters. It's fairly rough terrain with long field grass so it's definitely a challenge.
The lunges were the hardest part for me, which surprised me. The last set I felt a little tweak in my left hip flexor so I had to cut back on the intensity.
Today I did knee pushups. I kept my knees way behind my hips, and did full push-ups fairly slowly.
My fiancee and I did this together. Instead of squats, he did box jumps on a 20" box. Instead of lunges, he did squats. Since we only have one ball, I did Mason's twists the 1st and 3rd rounds.
I labeled this workout a beginner's Crossfit workout, but for the person who is just starting to establish a regular fitness routine, this is probably a bit more of an intermediate workout. For a true beginner, I would cut back on all of the reps and maybe increase your resting between rounds.
During my 400 meter runs; my mantra was "Calm Mind; Calm Body" - I do love a good mantra. This came to me when I was on my final run: "Fear, doubt, pain, results; these things are all temporary. Personal victories and accomplishments are forever. KEEP MOVING."
In other news, my fiancee submitted a picture of him a rolling hay bale (yes, he really was able to move it, being the beast that he is) to CrossFit. They not only featured it on their Facebook feed, but also their main web site! Pretty cool, huh? Bonus: They paid him $150 for using it! We were pretty excited and proud. It's a great picture - don't you agree? That is Bandit in the foreground. He is an Australian Cattle Dog mix (possibly mixed with Canaan dog?) He is the most gentle, sweet, loyal companion and Jeremiah's best friend (next to me of course...)
Thanks for reading!

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