Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Power of Positive Thinking

I saw this quote again today and was reminded again about how important it is to think positively. 

Last month I experienced a moment of such incredible positive thinking, I signed up for a half marathon.  I just recently have been able to complete a 5K without too much trouble, but a half marathon? I must be crazy.

I have been avoiding the treadmill and running outside when I can, but I'm kind of a puss when it comes to cold weather so that's not working out so well for me.  I have trained a handful of times since I signed up, so I've resigned myself to the fact that there will be some walking during this 13 mile trek. I'm okay with that.

I just finished the third 50 minute treadmill run of my life. I don't know why I picked 50 minutes as my most recent goal; there's no significance except that it's almost an hour. Minutes go by slowly on the treadmill, as you probably know, but I found a new way to help the time pass. I normally look at the timer and the mileage about every 30 seconds, and that makes for a really long run. Today I tuned into Pandora's "Electronic Cardio" radio station and told myself that I would only look at the timer or the mileage when one song ended and another began. I ran 2 miles in 3 songs! I started this little game after a quick stretch break at about the two mile mark. The next three songs were reaaaaaallllly long, but it worked! Before I knew it, a total of 50 minutes had passed, and I had run just over four and a half miles.

Although I believe in the quote above, I also believe that "thinking" can also get in your way. Sometimes it's better to think less, breathe more, and let your body prove something to you.  The power of your mind is incredible, and it can either be your biggest fan or your worst enemy. I encourage you to face your task, whatever it is, with a positive outlook. What's the worst that can happen? You might have to try again, practice more, change the way you do it, adapt, grow? Those are all good things.

To close this post, I dug up a note that I wrote on Facebook.  I posted this last May after finishing the Couch to 5K running program to help me prepare for the Warrior Dash.  It is a testament to positive thinking, and I remember how great it felt to accomplish what I considered to be a HUGE goal for myself. It's true - whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

As you all know, I've been on a journey with "running" the past 9 weeks. I do not consider myself a runner and I've never felt confident in my skill. In preparation for the Warrior Dash, I decided to tackle the Couch to 5K running program. It was perfect for allowed me to start slow and I gradually worked my way up to my first 3 mile run today.

Thanks to much support and encouragement from all of you, I feel GREAT after my milestone today. I wanted to share with you this mantra that seemed to be running through my head while I was on a mission to complete first one, then two, then three miles.

I can't do it.
I might be able to do it.
I want to do it.
I will try to do it.
I think I can do it.
I know I can do it.
I'm doing it.
I did it!

If you would have told me a few months or years ago that someday I would be running 3 miles without walking or stopping, I would have laughed and said "there is no way I could ever do that." Yes it was hard, yes I wanted to stop, but I kept telling myself that there are much harder things in the world than putting one foot in front of the other for 30 minutes or so.

So again, thank you for supporting me and "liking" my progress via Facebook posts. I truly appreciate it! Now, on to the Warrior Dash!

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